G and her ex-boyfriend are back together. Officially. Despite the fact that they were broken up for over a month some of their mutual friends never even found out. "Things are back to normal" G declared, brushing her breakdown under the rug and pretending she didn't spend a week crying and unable to get out of bed. A is livid. He broke her heart. And now she plans on pretending nothing happened? She's not even making him work for it. No boomboxes outside her window, no back-together dinner, just nothing.
He even wants her to cancel her South America trip. A became furious at the idea and her and G got in a huge fight. A told G she was a moron for getting back together with a guy who showed no empathy and broke her heart and their relationship was going through a bad phase anyway. G told A she was a bitch who knew nothing about what it took to sustain an actual relationship because all she has is a series of dodgy one-night-stands. A responded by having a loud, energetic marathon sex session with V to prove not all her sex is dodgy. Of course, V has just returned from a trip to Thailand with a few mates and another girl he's sleeping with.
J is freaking out because it appears 'the one' and his girlfriend are having jealously issues and public fights/breakdowns on facebook. She doesn't want to be egocentric, but his girlfriend saw them chatting last week and has always hated J because 'the one' is obsessed with her. It's not J's fault. Yeah, she slept with him once. But it was a freaky one-night-stand in a park. She's never lead him on since then and just wants to be mates. Why does this keep happening to her?
L caught up with H (but no B and K because they are giving her the shits and keep harassing her to hang out and then saying they are never free). Apparently H and accidental date and her have started a band and are about to try to crack the music business. In India. While H has always been into music and played in a variety of garage rock bands (and she used to know most of the people in the local music scene until she dropped off the social circuit completely) being an Indian pop star had never exactly been her dream. And she would never spend 3 months living with a boyfriend's family. But at least it's exciting. That, if nothing else, shows that some things never change. Even if everything else does.