Valentine's Day. It doesn't matter whether you're single, newly coupled up, or in a long-term relationship. You will be disappointed. Unless you have very, very low expectations. Which, let's be honest, quite frequently we do.
G was supposed to be going on an awesome shopping trip to the markets with the new friends she's met overseas, but spent most of the day chasing around her boyfriend's instructions for a special surprise she was supposed to receive. Unfortunately the surprise didn't quite work out, and all the flowers and chocolates her boyfriend had ordered didn't show up and G was sitting in a small restaurant on her own feeling lonely while all her friends bought some super cool artwork and knitted boots.
L got exactly zero surprises from her new boyfriend. In fact, the only surprise seemed to be the expression on his face when he realised he was actually supposed to do something. Instead of a romantic dinner L got to hang out with all of his mates eating cheap Vietnamese noodles and talking about 'souped up cars'. Oh yeah. He's a real romantic.
M got a text from her new loverboy about an hour before they were supposed to meet up saying he had a family emergency. Nothing you can do about that of course so she stayed at home watching Friends and eating pizza. He called her about 3am for phone sex. She was not quite so impressed with that, especially since she had to be up early for work.
J and A decided to ignore the couples and went to the beach. Unfortunately people decided PDAs were acceptable and were all but having sex (and some probably were) in the water or on their towels. They both realised with a jolt that at the moment they have absolutely no male attention in their life, not even to call up for a quickie. A bit depressing actually. Which made J want to go out and hit the clubs boozed up on gin. Except, of course, that it was couples everywhere. She even bumped into C and his new boyfriend. Just not cool. Even A's little brother was apparently buying roses.