Days at uni that go from 9am to 7pm? When exactly are we supposed to see the sunshine? And with 300 pages of reading per subject, when are we supposed to sleep? Oh wait, we don't go to class. Or do the reading. Never mind then.
Last weekend was fun-filled, despite the rain-drenched city which caused wet tights to stick to legs in most unpleasent ways. L had a perfect date with secret admirer, who is turning out to be one of the sweetest guys ever. A guy who actually gives you flowers, just because? That has to be the cutest thing ever. L and H got into a fight about L not attending H's birthday party, with H accusing L of ditching her for a romantic getaway with secret admirer (note that it was actually B's suggestion). L denied ditching her, they got into a rowdy argument and then got over it. H still doesn't like secret admirer though. She's convinced he's too perfect and too charming and he must be hiding something. L sort of has the same thought process. She still doesn't really feel like she knows him and isn't prepared to make a committment to a guy she doesn't really know. After all, she hasn't known him that long. This weekend he wants her to meet his parents. L is scared shitless. Let's face it, meeting the parents is always scary.
J went out and got drunk with Bossman on Friday, or at least she got drunk. Bossman didn't drink at all. He also behaved oddly around he all night as if he was being careful. J is worried that Bossman thinks they're going to have sex if he doesn't watch himself and is kind of pissed he doesn't think she has any self-control, even though she doesn't really believe she has any self-control herself. She tried to prove to him she wasn't interested by flirting and dancing with other guys but he didn't seem convinced. He was uncomfortable being too close to her all night, and avoided touching her even in innocent places like tapping her on the shoulder to get attention. J really doesn't want to have 'the talk' with him because she isn't interested. Bossman is into kinky stuff like being hung from the ceiling with metal hooks in his flesh. J likes some out there activities but that just plain freaks her out.
A is back to work, although everything has changed since her last shift. Not only does she have a new boss (who is female and A is already managing to not get along with after rocking up hungover and annoucing she would be sitting down for her entire shift) but the guy she spent a weekend of passion with and the tried to avoid has vanished. A was initally pleased by this because she doesn't enjoy ongoinng sexual encounters with anyone. Then she realised she'd lost one of her favourite work mates and a good guy friend. With the arrival of new bitch boss, it might be time to move.
On Saturday night the fab four + B (J, A, H, L and B) went out for drinks and dancing. A and J split a bottle of vodka for pre-drinks before downing skittlesbombs (whatever they are) beer and tequila shots at the venue. H and B got shitfaced on cheap wine and mango flavoured vodka while L had a quiet night. Except, you know, for the bottle of red wine. A managed to fall face flat next to the bar, appeared to fall asleep while dancing and stole the hats of at least 3 guys. One of these guys started following her, leaving L to find the hat, give it back and shouting at them to 'leave us the hell alone!' B had a long-haired band dude to hook up with while J chatted for 2 hours to a guy she knew but never even spoke to in high school. Random people (probably aquaintences) started yelling out A's name but as she was incoherent H decided to entertain them...with a striptease. Clearly spending too much time at that sex shop.
Ah, the nights to remember forever.