If September is the month of football what is the month of August? Well, university open days of course. Uni open days are really fun-filled occasions for anyone, whether they're planning on attending said uni in the following year or not. There's usually free pens, bags, t-shirts and sometimes even hats to be had, and most places offer free BBQs/coffee/vitamin water. Needless to say, if we aren't working/hungover/otherwise occupied (which is usually) we are so there.
Yesterday A decided to go touring an inner-city uni with her younger brother, who (if all goes to their parents' plan) will be starting uni next year. It was a change of scenery for A, because the uni she actually attends is kinda out in the sticks. This is due in part to the so-called Melbourne model and the difficulty of studying law in the inner city these days. Sadly her younger brother has no idea what he wants to do. A dragged him around the engineering department for ages, partly because he's a genius in the maths/physics department, partly because she knew G was volunteering and figured she'd say hi. However little brother decided he didn't think engineering was for him and is now talking about becoming a teacher. Riiiight. And to add insult to injury, there wasn't even a BBQ! Maybe the sticks has something going for it after all. Still, there was free mints and coffee.
J headed out on a long long trip outside the city because she's thinking about going back to school and studying dentistry next year. Kind of seems an odd choice for someone who has studying three semesters of science, all with long breaks in between, and hated all of it. Oh well. She likes pulling teeth. Going such a long way out of town made J realise just how many country bogans actually exist. Not to mention making her feel old beyond her years surrounded by people who hadn't yet reached the legal drinking age. Then again, maybe she was just feeling old due to her killer hangover from doing jaegerbombs and smoking pot with B into the wee hours the night before. It was the trip home that really banged the nail into the coffin of J's potential dentistry career though. Sitting on the tram in her sunglasses gazing out the window seemed like the smart option until Justin climbed aboard, completely ignored her and then sat next to her, pulling out his ipod and not speaking. J sat there, staring at him and waiting for him to recognise her. He appeared not to, sitting there and silently rocking out to his music. Eventually J whipped off her sunglasses and yelled at him 'are you going to say hello?!' Justin appeared genuinely shocked, and the pair then shared awkward conversation until it was time for J to get off the tram. Unfortunately she left her sunglasses behind, leaving Justin to leap off the tram and run after her to give them back. He then asked her out again. Despite the fact that he has fun friends, Justin himself is kind of a bore and J really doesn't want a relationship with him. The fact that he's still trying though means he's not going to go away quietly...
No one has seen L for awhile. She hasn't been rocking up to regularly planned events and it is suspected she's ditching us for secret admirer. H is less than pleased. She figures if she can fit her friends around her jobs, uni and band practice L should be able to make time for everyone too. Of course, H doesn't have a new boyfriend. Still, whoever thought L would be the type to dtich the mates for the boy? It is such a K thing to do.
Speaking of K, B has taken a job at the same restaurant K works in. They have also both moved back home. This is probably as weird as it gets. Usually once people move out of home, barring crisis, that's it. However K (and thus B, because B has been agreeing with everything K says lately) has been talking about how much she misses her close-knit family and them all living together. The fab four have had a flashback to what life was like before B and K moved out of home. Between the strict Asian parents and the fact that to them family is everything, they rarely hung out with people when their family wasn't present. They never came out drinking or shopping or to the movies or anything because they always had family stuff to do. It was R in fact who forced them to move out because he said he couldn't have a relationship with B and her family. I suppose it shows how important R was to B in that she was willing to leave her family for him. But now that R is virtually out of the picture, R answers to K instead. And K wants to move back home. It's difficult to see how our friendship will survive the reverse-transition. As it is, we hardly see K. That's possibly because she refuses to talk to A, L and H and has deleted them off facebook and ignored them in the street. It would be said to lose B as a friend as well though. But it seems she's determined to keep it all in the family, living at home and working with K. Well at least she's doing something since she rarely shows up at uni.