G has been driving A insane with her non-stop crying, her puffy face and the fact that she won't eat anything. Not even chocolate. A feels bad for her, but she just can't do all the emotional shit. She's never been good at that and is getting increasingly sick of G talking about her ex. A's advice basically consists of telling G to book herself a holiday somewhere sunny or leaving strategically placed glasses of vodka and orange juice around the house. Unable to stand the depression, she basically invited J to come stay for awhile to brighten the mood up around the place. J, who already finished her exams, was eager. Never mind that her relationship advice is about as useless, if not more so, than A's. Well except for the fact that numerous taxi drivers have spilled their heart out to J over the years while she makes drunken sympathetic noises and texts everyone she knows asking why people always seem to think she will care.
A is supposed to be studying, but that never works out with J around. J keeps inviting all her friends round, like her minor rock star gang, and Druggie. Instead of eating they drink several bottles of wine and smoke weed. They dance manicly for hours and occasionally sit and play card games until they pass out on the floor. J keeps trying to get G involved but she just wants to stay in bed. No surprise really, as she wouldn't have been interested pre-break-up. J is busy getting A drunk instead, and A fries chicken and eats it with half-cooked pasta instead of reading legislation.
M and E have been hanging out together a lot. They claim it's just a friend thing but we all have our doubts. Maybe M wants to keep it on the down low, lest she upset G anymore.