Good Sex
After A yelled at J and kicked her out of her house for being a drunken mess (but a hot drunken mess) J went partying with her new friend who is exactly like her- into rock music, sex and short skirts- and bumped into Motley Crue and his new ugly suburban girlfriend. J smiled and said hello but started panicking that she was left looking like the pathetic and lonely one. Don't know why she was so panicked, as if would ever be the pathetic one in a break-up. After a few hours and a few dozen beers Motley's new girl appeared to chuck a tantrum and left with one of his mates. J was dodging 'the one', who'd shown up because she'd 'accidentally' texted him, and a random 'strawberry blonde' (ie ranga) she'd ditched a couple of weeks prior after throwing up in a cab. She got her new friend to distract them (she later went home with a guy in a kickass red coat who was neither 'the one' nor had orange hair) while she started hitting on a guy with a mohawk. She winked at Motley Crue when she left to go have sex with the mohawk guy in the park. Yeah, J is never going to be the one leaving a club alone.
A having sex with V in a pub bathroom in the middle of the day because she decided to spend all afternoon drinking cider in the sun rather than studying. V later headed out to DJ at some swanky club while A went home to nap and read about ethics. Because ethical is her middle name.
Bad Sex
M admitting she has slept with E twice in the past week but they haven't discussed what it means or getting back together. The sex itself has apparently been quite good but there's nothing as dangerous as sex with an ex. At least in M's case because she's still partly in love with E and was really wrecked by their break-up and has always sought of believed they would get back together. E doesn't appear to know what he wants. Which is so typically male.
Everyone's sneaking suspicion that G is having sex with her ex-boyfriend. She hasn't come home a couple of nights this week and considering she has barely left the house at all since the break-up, it's hard to think she's out having a good time. She's still acting depressed but is at least eating again. She admitted she's been texting her ex almost every day but claims its just a friend thing. A is seriously concerned, but is too busy trying to figure out what the fuck she's done with her ethics to help out. G doesn't want to hear anyone's advice anyway, if anything was learned from her screaming conversation with one of her friends about how she is not cutting her ex from her life and she wants to stay friends and he does too.