It's winter and cold and the kind of days where you are forced to rug up in scarfs and gloves and nights where it's impossible to sleep without long socks.
That's why there has to be some things to take the edge off.
Last Saturday night J, B and M drank a ridiculous amount of pre-drinks (absinthe and bisen-grass vodka) before cabbing it into the city. Winter, the season of cabs. Thank god we live close in. They had several hours of fun dancing and drinking pink drinks from the bar (which they had no idea what it contained) and swigging from the bottle of jaeger B had snuck in. Yes, a whole 700ml bottle. Lucky no one checked her oversized handbag. Unfortunately who was to show up but Justin, the guy J was never really dating but he kinda hoped she was. J thought she'd got rid of him by ignoring all his attempts to contact her about a month ago. Justin ignored the last month and tried to cosy up to her. She would've ignored it, except he'd brought along his friend who B was interested in. No Gaga coincidently. J, B, Justin and his friend ended up going back tothe friend's house while M went home early. She's had an ankle sprain that still isn't quite healed and didn't want to make it worse with a ridiculously long night.
Once back at the house, the friend and J started smoking pot and listening to Eminem while cracking jokes about Justin. There were a lot to be made, such as why he listens to Justin Beiber and watches Sex and the City. Justin wasn't too happy about the jokes and started to get in a more and more foul mood. B wasn't too pleased either thinking J was cramping her style as she couldn't make a move on Justin's friend. The truth was J and Justin's friend were completely fried and having an excellent time. At some point the friend trundled off to bed and J was left with Justin. He didn't even bother to try and have sex. Neither did J. She normally has to make the first move with Justin but she was stoned and figured he was bad in bed anyway so what the hell. Why bother? J slept on the couch, Justin the floor. B snuck into Justin's friend's room and went to sleep in his bed but didn't try anything. An hour or so later (when morning had pretty much arrived) she woke up and freaked out that Justin's friend had died because he looked dead sleeping. In a panic she woke J who told her that he was breathing and thus fine. J decided it was time to head off anyway since she started work soon and wanted a shower beforehand. They left without saying goodbye.
As she swigged countless bottles of redbull mixed with random soft drink J was left to wonder what to do about Justin. She doesn't like him because he has a crap sense of humour and is bad in bed, but he has fun friends. Is that worth keeping him around for? She hasn't decided yet.
In the meantime we are preparing for H's birthday. L has announced she is making a Macaron Tower just like in Masterchef. We're all pretty excited, let's hope it works out better for her than the contestents.