- overheard from the mouths of blonde haired, overly made-up girls at a gig who later ran crying from the mosh pit. No, we're here to fuck shit up. You're just a bunch of posers.
Three concerts in three days. A hell of a lot of rock music. A hell of a lot of mosh pits. Ringing ears, black bruised feet, dozens of cuts, ripped clothing, shoes destroyed to the point where they had to be thrown out, and at least 20 bottles of gatorade. When you wake up bruised, beaten and broken but oh-so-good that's when you know you've had a good night. The best side of exhaustion.
Yes, we are those girls in the mosh pit. The ones surrounded by guys who are taller, bigger, stronger. The ones who don't flinch when we get kicked by heavy boots or punched by a fist the size of our face. Who doesn't love getting their violence on?
We are here to FUCK. SHIT. UP.