Christmas is approaching at an almost frightening rate, as it does every year. Of course, that may be because Christmas seems to arrive earlier and earlier every year. When did the Myer windows appear at the beginnning of November?
Anyway, with Christmas comes the office Christmas party. J, Bossman and Ronald McDonald headed off to theirs, which was packed with people from the company they work for, and with the free drinks flowing. J is never one to turn down free drinks. Hand her an oh-so-sophisticated red wine (or 6) and she's happy. Unfortunately it was a dress-up party, and J hates to dress up. The rest of us quite enjoy a dress-up party, but J's the one who will mysteriously 'forget' a costume, or add a hat or hairpiece to her outfit she'll remove seconds after arrival. But, for the Christmas party, she went along with the jungle theme. The plan was to have each store (J works for a big retail store with lots of locations) model their outfits and the best dressed one won. When their store name was called out however, Ronald McDonald was at the bar and Bossman was nowhere to be seen. So it was just J, all alone, with everyone staring at her, who had to parade around as the only representative for her store. How embarrassing, especially for someone who ahtes to dress up as it is. Luckily the night got a bit better as it wore on. Bossman hooked up with a guy and then suggested they, another random chick he had his eye on and J head off to the beach for after drinks and a late night swim. Ronald McDonald headed home but J was up for it, naturally. At the beach everyone stripped off and went swimming and J was foolling around with the guy Bossman had earlier hooked up with. That is, until she stepped on a broken bottle and split her foot open. There was blood everywhere and to her disappointment, J has to go home. It was probably for the best though. When she woke up she realised there was a distinct possibility she would have ended up in a threesome with Bossman and the other guy, or the other girl, or both. Two days later Ronald McDonald told her there'd been a call from head office asking if J and Bossman were an 'item'...
A and L decided to get civil and get over their argument. For once A played peacemaker and apologised and told L their friendship was worth to much for stupid fights. She must be getting soft in her old age. L admitted she was really hurting from what she called H's betrayal and her split with secret admirer. She said she really liked secret admirer but she didn't feel ready for a relationship. That's something A, of all people, can understand. She confessed to L that she really liked Hottie, but there was no way she was ready for a relationship. Secret admirer was sweet, kind and perfect for L. They both had close families, had ambitions in life and like the same TV shows. The timing just wasn't right. A feels the same way about Hottie. They have a lot in common, like their interest in music and football and hooking up at after-exams parties but she doesn't want a relationship. A doesn't know hot to 'date' and she doesn't understand commitment. At least L and A are bonding rather than fighting.
L decided she wanted to talk to H, so she sucked up her pride (and her fear) and decided to track her down at the sex shop. She was told H no longer worked there. This came as a shock to L, who realised she now had absolutely no way of contacting H. H has vanished from her life. From all out lives. And we still don't really know why.
K is still working 9-5 which she confesses she hates, but went out for dinner with J, M and A, and surprsingly they all had a good time. Maybe working full-time is calming K down a bit, she doesn't have the energy to be all crazy anymore.
J, A and L were supposed to go out pubbing/clubbing with B, but when they arrived at the pub B was already there with T and one of her friends. They shared a few drinks but when it was time to move on, B told them was going to stay with T and her friend because she hadn't seen T's friend in ages and she was 'like a sister' to her. They're used to B ditching them for her actual sisters, but her sister's friends who's 'like a sister'? That's a new low. However A doesn't seem to be into confrontation the way she normally is, so the three of them headed off themselves and had an enjoyable night smoking, drinking and dancing. No boys for a change. It was all fun until J's foot bandage fell off and started bleeding again and they had to go home. A and L stopped off at a Maccas on the way home and L accidently ordered sweet chilli sauce for her mcnuggets instead of sweet and sour. She became angry and started pelting the mcnuggets at cars driving past. A was just sitting and enjoying her free water. When did she become the calm, cool and collected one?