Loving: The Spring Carnival. Because we need more excuses to drink and lose money
Listening to: Violent Soho. Aussie Rock.
Crushing on: any guy who isn't growing a moustache for Movember
Worshipping: the guys actually raising money for Movember
Eating: lollipops we didn't give the kiddies on Halloween
Drinking: Fruit Tingles. Don't know what's in them, but yum!
Rocking: 50s style dresses in bright colours
Wentworth Shire Council v Berryman & Anor:CALLINAN J: Mr Jackson, it seems to me that clearly the people at the party, including Ms Joslyn and Mr Berryman, went out with the intention of getting drunk.
MR JACKSON: It would be a big night, your Honour, big night.
CALLINAN J: With the intention of getting drunk and they fulfilled that intention.
MR JACKSON: Well, your Honour, young people sometimes - - -
KIRBY J: I just think “drunk” is a label and I am a little worried about - it is not necessary to put that label. It is just that they were sufficiently affected by alcohol to affect their capacity to drive.
KIRBY J: “A drunk” has all sorts of baggage with it.
HAYNE J: Perhaps “hammered” is the more modern expression, Mr Jackson, or “well and truly hammered”.
MR JACKSON: I am indebted to your Honour.
KIRBY J: I do not know any of these expressions.
McHUGH J: No, no. Justice Hayne must live a very different life to the sort of life we lead.
KIRBY J: I have never heard that word “hammered” before, never. Not before this very minute.
Failing: Oh god, everything