A: instead of a) going to class or b) writing up her lab report, A booked an appointment with her hairdresser to dye her hair bright blue. Unable to wait the two days until her appointment, A attempted to dye it at home. It's now half orange and half blue and a big mess.
J: skipped a day of work to get a tattoo of a giant scorpion on her back. When the tattooist asked her what she wanted she described it as 'a big, scorpion, really black and evil looking, starting on my back and wrapping around my arm.' She's now thinking about getting a snake as well.
B: hasn't attended classes all week. Starting hitting on the guy who sells her her train tickets at the corner milk bar. She now has to make trips to the Connex shop. Oh wait, it's 'metro' now isn't it??
H: Rumour has it, H has dropped out. Looks like she's found a way to fix the mid-semester slump for good.
L: Trying to get on a tram this morning, the tram driver shut the door on her and she couldn't get on. She waved at him to reopen the door but he just smirked and drove off. L, usually mild-mannered, snapped and began screaming at him and chasing the tram down the street. 10 minutes later she was collapsed on the road and was told by police to stop holding up the traffic.
K: K, strange as usual, actually loves university and isn't going through a mid-semester slump. Then again, he choice of boyfriend might signal a slump attitude hidden deep in her subconcious.